A set in the Grand Archive trading card game.

Grand Archive x SquareLive collaboration logo
Grand Archive x SquareLive collaboration logo

Set list

Cards in this set are prefixed SLC.

Number Name Population
CN-001 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-002 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-003 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-003 Foil ≈100
Features a stamped artist signature There is a 1 in 50 pack chance of pulling one of the 4 CSRs in this set
CN-004 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-005 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-006 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-006 Foil ≈100
Features a stamped artist signature There is a 1 in 50 pack chance of pulling one of the 4 CSRs in this set
CN-007 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-008 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-008 Foil ≈100
Features a stamped artist signature There is a 1 in 50 pack chance of pulling one of the 4 CSRs in this set
CN-009 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-010 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-011 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-012 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-012 Foil ≈100
Features a stamped artist signature There is a 1 in 50 pack chance of pulling one of the 4 CSRs in this set
CN-013 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-014 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140
CN-015 Normal ≈1,170
Foil ≈140

Release info

These cards were distributed in promotional booster packs in collaboration with Taiwanese virtual YouTube (VTube) agency SquareLive.

Grand Archive x SquareLive booster packs (from 余書廷(黑影子) on X).
Grand Archive x SquareLive booster packs (from 余書廷(黑影子) on X).

These were first distributed via a merchandise campaign from 1st through 5th February 2024 at the Taipei International Comic and Animation Festival. A pack would be given out for every NT$1200 (~$40 USD) spent on SquareLive merchandise.

This was the first Grand Archive set to be partially printed in a language other than English: Chinese.

The card artwork features SquareLive VTube avatars in various situations.

Lutralutra 露恰露恰's avatar on the Cremation Ritual card.
Lutralutra 露恰露恰's avatar on the Cremation Ritual card.
Chilla・Behemos 祈菈‧貝希毛絲's avatar on the Study the Fables card.
Chilla・Behemos 祈菈‧貝希毛絲's avatar on the Study the Fables card.
Card Avatar
Allied Warpriestess REN0809K
Backstep Eisnebel冰霧
Cremation Ritual Lutralutra 露恰露恰
Force Load Olda 歐妲
Healing Aura Oumua 埃穆亞
Hypothermia Earendel 厄倫蒂兒
Imperial Recruit Kumosuki 雲隙光
Increasing Danger USAGIHIME 兔姬
Lurking Assailant 哈瓜 JONGIE
Navigate the Streets Cygnus 熙歌
Potion of Healing Comame 茸茸鼠
Resolute Stand Nemesis 涅默
Study the Fables Chilla・Behemos 祈菈‧貝希毛絲
Varuckan Acolyte xxhacucoxx 白白虹
Windrider Vanguard Moondogs 幻月


On Discord the Increasing Danger card artwork from the set divided opinion due to its NSFW nature.

Increasing Danger SLC • CN-008 CPR
Increasing Danger SLC • CN-008 CPR


Mid-print corrections

At some point during the print run the Grand Archive team discovered a couple of issues with some of the cards in the set. Instead of letting the print continue with the errors in place, or scrapping the existing print run to start over, they decided to correct these issues mid-print, resulting in a couple of obscure variants.

These mid-print corrections were applied to both the non-foil and foil variants.

Imperial Recruit

When fostered, Imperial Recruit gains 1 power. This is indicated by +1 in the card’s effect text, however the initial print of the SLC Imperial Recruit incorrectly displayed +1 (+1 life) instead.

Error (right) and corrected (left) Imperial Recruit non-foils.
Error (right) and corrected (left) Imperial Recruit non-foils.

Increasing Danger

All collector rare cards in Grand Archive have a white glow around their action text to make it more readable on top of the background artwork.

This isn’t necessary on regular cards as they have a solid box for the text to sit in, however the initial print of Increasing Danger cards in this set included this white glow on the regular version of the card as well as the collector rare.

Error (left) and corrected (right) Increasing Danger foils.
Error (left) and corrected (right) Increasing Danger foils.